Body Fluids

Non-contact-non-destructive, preserving DNA, reducing human error, and removing cross-contamination

BlindSite can search, locate, visualize and capture body fluids at the scene. No chemical or enhancements are needed – no specialist lights sources or goggles. Can be used in bright daylight or in dark conditions. This provides a scene of crime officer with rapid, targeted examination of a scene, including Blood and Semen.

Non-contact-non-destructive, preserving DNA, reducing human error, and removing cross-contamination

BlindSite can search, locate, visualize and capture body fluids at the scene. No chemical or enhancements are needed – no specialist lights sources or goggles. Can be used in bright daylight or in dark conditions. This provides a scene of crime officer with rapid, targeted examination of a scene, including blood and semen.


Unique detection of both blood absorption and fluorescence – increases the chances of locating blood spots or spatter that are not visible using other techniques

Blood on black bin bag

Blood on knife blade

Blood spatter


Unique capability to detect semen fluorescence and absorption – increasing the likelihood of locating semen at a scene

Semen on carpet

Semen on white t-shirt

Semen on clothing

Request a call back

Smytec offers a range of consultancy and Bureau style opportunities for police,
forensic practitioners, defence agencies and academic institutes.

If you have any questions or require further information, please call +44 (0)1858 434 034 / +44 (0)7868 202 257
or email to, we will contact you shortly after receiving your request.

    Request a call back

    Smytec offers a range of consultancy and Bureau style opportunities for police,
forensic practitioners, defence agencies and academic institutes.

    If you have any questions or require further information, please call +44 (0)1858 434 034 / +44 (0)7868 202 257
or email to, we will contact you shortly after receiving your request.